April 30, 2013

Transformation Tuesday - Veggie Scraps

I checked out "Berenstain Bears Grow-It!" last month from the library, and ever since, Cooper and I have been on a huge planting kick! Well, spring is also here finally so it is the growing season at last.We have planted broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins, flowers, beans, strawberries, carrots, and even a watermelon plant. Inside, we decided to try to start some plants using some of these ideas below. Turn your kitchen scraps into plants!

1. Start an Avacado Tree from the pit!

Source: Garden of Eaden
2.Start Potato Plants from an old potato.
Source: DIY Network

3.   Green Onions and Celery from scraps too!

Source: Modern Parents Messy Kids
4.  A Pineapple Plant
Source: Modern Parents Messy Kids

5. Carrot Plants from Carrot Tops. Although these will not grow a new carrot. This is what our kitchen window looked like the other day when Cooper and I first started. The carrots are his experiment, we have the  carrot tops on a plate in another room. He thinks the carrots will just grow as well if put in water... And I now realize I did the potato wrong and need to cut it in half. Whoops.

There are tons more, but I am out of time. I'll post more photos of these veggie plants once they start growing. I can't wait!

Double Joy

Dear Lily Kate,

Sweetest baby girl. Right now you are fourteen months, the adorable stage where you transform overnight from a baby to a toddler. From the time I wake you up in the morning to the time I put you down, you are smiling, rosy cheeked and jibber jabbering away.

You are perfectly fluffy and look so darn cute weeble wobbling around the house, always carrying something. Blankets and stuffed animals are your favorite and you lay down on everything that looks soft and cuddly (pillows, rugs, blankets, dolls, and mostly Maya). Cuddly stuff and loud stuff. You have a little green music playing radio you just love right now, and dance all around the house carrying it with you.

When Cooper is playing, you want to play too. You sneak in to take his toys and hope he doesn't notice, running away with the evidence and putting it in your mouth as fast as possible before Cooper can take it away. When he gets mad and yells, you come running to me arms reaching in the air crying "mama". I can't help but giggle. You grab me so tight I can't hardly pry you off sometimes!

Now that spring has come, you want to be outside all the time. You stand at the glass door, hands pushing in hopes it will open. And now that you have your first pair of hard soled shoes, you won't let me take them off you and bring them to me as soon as you see them. I have to hide them at times...

You love to tease me while I make dinner. You sneak over to the stairs, climb up one, and when I peek out and say "no no no", you smile all huge and sit down on the step and swing your chubby legs up and down. Over and over. Every so often you'll come in and push a song on the magnet on the fridge and look at me expecting a dance. I twirl around and you copy me delighted. Pleasing you is the easiest thing in the world and that pleases me immensely.

At bedtime, you used to throw books when I would try to read to you. Now you reach ecstatically for them and won't let me put them away! Pointing away making the cutest mumbles as you try to talk and suck on your bottle at the same time. And oh how you love your bed. Just this morning you cried when I picked you up out of it. I put you back down and you giggled in delight and nuzzled your blankets closing your eyes. Yes, a girl after my own heart. We adore sleep. And I adore you little Lily bean.


April 26, 2013

Friday I'm in Love

Yes, it is Friday again! It has been a beautiful week, but unfortunately, rain is coming tomorrow. Maybe it will give me a chance to put away the 4 heaping piles of laundry sitting in my room though. With soccer practice twice a week and Frank and I taking turns getting out climbing, we've been busy. A good busy though.

I noticed on Wednesday that Cooper wasn't really playing soccer with the other kids. He wanted me to do everything with him on the field and kept walking away to play in the woods. It was only his second time, and he doesn't know the other kids, so I understood being a little shy. However, I tried to praise him and be very patient and really encourage him to get out there and play.  It didn't work. He wouldn't do any of the drills the Coach was asking him. He was playing in the woods with sticks. Thirty minutes of this. I tried to be very stern. Fail. Then, desperate, I bribed. I told him I would sleep with him all night long. He wasn't sold. "How about a treat mama". A nod did the trick. He ran out there so excited and started doing all the drills. He then started joking around even with the other kids and laughing and loving it. They chased each other around playing sharks and minnows. His Coach was happy he finally participated. I told him I unfortunately resorted to a bribe. He replied "Heck! I tell my son every time he can play on my iPad only if he participates!" Another mom told me "I told my son he could have ice cream afterwards....".  That gave me a good chuckle. If only my words were more powerful at convincing. Four is a tricky age for sure.


Now, a few links for you to check out and enjoy!

- This post on Design mom regarding this article is really fascinating. The single most important factor in determining your child's emotional health and happiness is understanding where your family came from. Knowing your family. The stories. Researchers used these 20 questions to determine how well kids know their family. 
- Check out this Photo Essay  titled "Where Children Sleep". It is simply mind blowing to me how some of us have so much and others so little. This would be good to show Cooper and Lily one day. Not yet I don't think. But someday.

- Now, a few gardening links for you to check out! Cooper and I have planted so much lately, and now we're trying a few of these experiments on Modern Parents Messy Kids. You can grow your own pineapple plant and avocado tree from kitchen scraps!!!! So cool. Can't wait to try these pumpkin plants in the fall.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

April 25, 2013

Living in Germany - The Parks

When you were little, what was your favorite thing to play on at the park? Anyone remember merry go rounds? My all time favorite for sure. Now they make me sick after one spin. I noticed that none of the parks in Kentucky had them anymore when we were living there a year ago. My guess is they are considered too dangerous? And teeter totters sure don't seem the same as they did when they were little. Now they just bounce on springs. Hardly moving up and down. Boring.

Well, over here? Different story. The parks are all so unique. Not plastic replicas of each other. They have so many fun things you'd never see in the states. And yes, their parks are a bit more dangerous for sure. Merry go rounds galore (even ones you hang from), long teeter totters, huge slides, dangerous bridges and ropes and poles to slide down, spinning pole contraptions, and so much more. We love them. But yes, we do have to watch the kids pretty carefully while they are so little on some of the park equipment.

Here are pictures from the park right by Cooper's school. It was one of those days where the shade comes and it feels about 20 degrees colder than when the sun is shining.

April 23, 2013

My Joy

Dear Cooper,

Today I have decided to write you a letter to remember just how incredibly precious and wonderful you are right now at age 4. I wish I had done this every year already.

Each morning, you wake up and reach over and touch my face to feel if I am there. You then ask me first thing "Do we have to go to work or school today"? Just a few weeks ago, you didn't like me to answer truthfully, but the last few weeks, you have been so sweet about it. "I like school, I want to go to school today, mama".

You can do so much on your own now. You help me make cookies/cakes and of course pancakes, your favorite for the weekend. You love to help me clean the house, your favorite part is to use the spray bottles, so you do a lot of dusting and window cleaning for me. And mopping. You put on your own shoes, and clothes sometimes, and you help me carry stuff in from the car each day. Such a big helper and I really appreciate it!

Each night you take baths with Lily and are so sweet to her.  You share your food with her, give her bites of your cookie, help carry her away from trouble, make sure she isn't eating small stuff or playdough, and tell her you love her. You used to call her "Cherry" when she was born, but you have adopted our silly names "beanchin" and "small bean". You always ask if she can come cuddle and read books with us in bed too and kiss her good night.

When I pick you up from school, you come running and squeeze my legs. It makes me so happy. You always tell me such funny stories about school and are always so excited to show me your drawings! You amaze me at how well you can color and paint now. You stay in the lines so well and pick the prettiest colors and tell me it is called "scritchy scratchy" if you don't stay in the lines or there is a mess up. Sometimes you'll sit an hour and paint picture after picture and tell me you are an artist. You are an artist.  I love them all. You especially love to draw flowers, the sky, and the sun and add in a robot here and there.

You know how to spell your name now and can spot the letters from your name on signs all the time now. You catch funny phrases from movies and people that always crack me up. The latest is "Secret, by nature" and "hot stuff coming through, watch out".

You love to play games with me in the back of the car when we come back from the climbing gym each weekend. We used to shoot the bad guy cars, but decided to play nicer games lately. Our favorites are I spy games, thumb wars, holding our breath at bridges, humming guessing game, and quizzing each other on what animals live around here.

You love to eat fruit every night before bedtime while we read books together in bed. Your favorite book right now is Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. After we read a few books, I draw on your back and tell you stories. You love for me to do stories with the whole family, and you like it when I add in Curious George to the story. Sometimes you'll tell me you love me to the moon and back, and then add in something extra far "and to the Frankische Wunderland".

Ever since you were little, you have always been so content to just sit and take things in. At the grocery store, you still ride happily in the cart seat. You got your hair cut the other day and sat so serious and still the whole time even. No complaints. At the doctor, you didn't make a peep and were so brave getting a shot.  You are such an amazing boy. I love you so much it is insane! Cooper, your are my joy.

Love you to the moon and sun and stars and even Frankische Wunderland and back.


And just a few more recently heard Cooperisms:

"Nibble Nabble" - the name you gave Lily's bunny.
 "Carrots and broccoli are really good for you. They have protein."
"I'm the strongest. If the ceiling falls, I will catch it mom. I can hold it up over my head."
"We had chicken today mom. Not the type that is outside with feathers. The vegetable chicken."
"I love Cedar the best. I mean, I like you mom too, but I love Cedar."
"I met God today. He gave me flowers." (the priest came to his school).
""I won't let death come mom, when it does, I will beat death up".
"I'm heartbroken dad isn't here", said after reading Monster Inc and hearing the word in context to Sulley thinking he lost Boo, because Frank went to the movies and didn't stay to read books in bed.
"Oh, I gettcha, I see. I see." when he changes his mind and understands why I don't want him to do something.
"Sleeping is so boring. I can't see anything. I can't play anything. I don't want to sleep."

April 22, 2013

Hunt for the Good Stuff

Last week, I attended a Master Resiliency Class at work. Ever since suicide rates, depression disorders and PTSD have been on the rise dramatically for the Army the last few years with all the increased deployments, the Army has been trying to combat the problems by teaching coping strategies and preventative measures. The version I attended of the course is not finished, and it is also condensed, but, I enjoyed it. A nice break from routine, and I love anything that teaches us how to be happier better people basically.

We went through four segments, but I really found the first segment the most valuable, "Hunt for the Good Stuff". Have you ever heard of negativity bias? I think I had before, but had forgotten. Anyhow, negativity bias is the psychological phenomenon by which humans pay more attention to and give more weight to negative rather than positive experiences or other kinds of information. Our brains are much better at storing/processing the negative than the positive, and it is instinctual vs learned. Our brain evolved to react more quickly to fear than to hope, to respond to a threat more quickly and more intensely than to an opportunity for pleasure. One effect of negativity bias is that we are likely to give more credence and more weight to negative claims about positions or candidates that we oppose than we are to positive claims about them. We are likely to not be very critical in our examination of such negative claims, certainly not as critical as when negative claims are made against views we cherish. Another effect of negativity bias is that we are likely to be afraid of things disproportionately to the evidence, e.g., most people who are afraid of flying in airplanes have little fear of driving in an automobile even though their chance of being killed in an automobile crash is much higher than their chance of being killed in an airplane crash.

Aside from that, we tend to let one little bad thing ruin an entire day full of happy, good stuff. But, there is hope! You can actually train your brain to seek out the good stuff. Studies have shown that by simply concentrating on the positive, writing down one or two happy things that happen each day, you can actually make yourself a happier person. Find the silver lining every day. Think about what you are grateful for. Praise someone else each day. By doing any of these simple things daily, you can actually retrain your brain, even as adults, and make happiness habitual.

I have noticed that the times where I am most depressed and in a bad mood tend to be mornings/days where I just didn't get enough sleep. Trying to work on that and make myself go to bed earlier these days. Does wonders for my mood. As does a nice walk outside. Always clears my mind. Or a hot relaxing bath. Check out this post from Raptitude . David's blog is full of great ways to concentrate on the positive and live in the present.

Lastly, give yourself some credit and a pat on the back here and there. Remind yourself to concentrate on the positive. We tend to view ourselves much more negatively than we should. Frank sent me a  video last week about an experiment Dove did, aiming to change the way we see ourselves. This focuses on our physical appearance, but still fascinating. We don't see ourselves near as beautiful as others around us do.

Remember as Christopher Robin once said, "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." 

April 18, 2013

Birthday, riding a bike, and my baby

Warm weather has arrived and we have been getting out and about. Cooper started soccer this week, learned how to ride his pedal bike in one try, and it was Frank's birthday on Monday! For the first time ever in years, it was actually a sunny, perfect day for Frank's birthday. We ate his favorite dinner outside on our patio in short sleeve shirts.

 Here is the video I took capturing Cooper's first attempt riding his pedal bike. He has been riding a balance bike since he was two, so I had the feeling he would pick it right up. It only took him one try and he was off pedaling down our road! So proud of that kid.

I also had a little more time with Lily this week (brought her to work one day out of necessity, and took her with me to the Doctor).  Here is a sweet picture of her napping. 

Looking forward to the weekend. Almost there...

April 12, 2013

Friday I'm in Love

I am so happy it is Friday. I have to sing the Cure song every time I think about it. Monday you can fall apart, Tuesday Wednesday break my heart...

Pottenstein! Hope to get out climbing near here this weekend.

This weekend we're supposed to see some nice weather finally! Not tomorrow, but Sunday at least. We're planning on getting outside and climbing for the first time this year! Can't wait. Just hard to pick a place that is sunny, not too busy, and good for the kids. Hoping to also get some seedlings in the greenhouse planted and do some spring cleaning. How about you all?

Here are a few links you might enjoy:

The importance of Exercise, and all it takes.

I love this video and want to do an Act of Kindness Day now with Cooper.

I don't know why, but I love these pictures. Crack me up. I want one for Cooper's room.

I want to visit this place. Doesn't it look amazing?

Oh, and don't you miss these guys! I sure do.  I'll have to revisit my books I have at home from childhood.

Happy Weekend!

Living in Germany - Dental Hygiene

A few months ago, I posted about life in Germany since we've now been here over a year. I thought I would go ahead and continue with this as a series since I find so many aspects of the cultural differences so interesting. Especially our holiday tradition differences. More to come on those...

Last week, I finally forced myself to schedule and go to the dentist. I honestly hadn't been in 4+ years and was noticing a pain when I sucked in cold air. Not good. I was certain I'd have some major expensive issues. My appointment was at a local practice here in Grafenwoehr. Small. Clean. Modern. Pretty hygienists (is it just me or all hygienists young pretty girls?). I expected the full blown cleaning, but what I got was a quick scrape of tartar build up that lasted 5 minutes max. No swish. No spinney brush thingy with a terrible tasting paste. No brushing or flossing. Just a little scraping. Then in came the dentist. She quickly poked and prodded my teeth and found a teeny tiny cavity. She didn't even give me a shot (offered but said she didn't think I would feel a thing) and filled it right there on the spot. Done. In and out in 30 minutes. No pain.

Now, I'm not complaining, but I am a bit perplexed. I certainly hated dentist visits in the states. Back home I remember wishing they would please put some entertainment on the ceiling, bored staring up for an hour plus. And my jaws would ache leaving the office from being open so wide so long. The only thing I looked forward to was the free tooth brush. I didn't get one last week :(

What I am wondering right now, does the US go overboard on dental hygiene to make more money? Or is Germany just not as good at the whole dental hygiene thing and people's teeth are worse off here? This could lead into a whole health care discussion, but I'll save that for another day.

Any thoughts on this? Anyone else wonder how much of the "cleaning" they actually do in the states is really necessary? I used to swear my last dentist in the states was telling me I had cavities just to make money... Does that happen? I wouldn't put it past some....

Little Shop of Horrors always comes to mind when I think of dentists...

April 9, 2013

Transformation Tuesday - Doors

Not that doors are that easy to come by, however, you never know... I just LOVE these seven door upcycles.

1. Create a Headboard or bed frame from doors.
Source: JerseyIcecreamco on Etsy
2. Create a Coffee Table, or have someone else do it for you like this source.
Source: Dorset Custom Furniture
3. A desk that transforms!
Source: Manoteca as seen on Swipelife
4. A Tutorial for making your own Corner Shelf from a door from Craftaholics Anonymous
Source: Craftaholics Anonymous
5. A Chalkboard Organizer
Source: Postcards from the Ridge, but I think it is originally from Apartment Therapy
6. Door Swing
Source: Huckleberry Lane
7. Patio Furniture or couches from Doors

April 8, 2013

Trip to Vienna

 Way back in February, we took a four day weekend down to Vienna, Austria with my parents for a mini vacation. I am just now finally getting around to posting about the trip.
 Vienna is gorgeous. Even in winter. And huge! Since we wanted to make the trip fun for the kids, we did a lot of family friendly stuff. There were so many more things on our list to do and see, but 4 days was really not enough to pack it all in. Our first stop, the zoo.
 The zoo was amazing, and I can only imagine how much better it would be in spring or summer. I want to return. It is the oldest zoo in the world and also ranked among the very best in the world. So much space and so much for the kids to see and do.
Cooper insisted on playing on the playgrounds even though it was freezing out and they were covered in snow. 

 This cave room was his absolute favorite. Lily's face is priceless! They had real live bats flying around that literally touched you! My mom was scared to death. Looks like my dad was too! So funny.
In this exhibit there was a very bad, very happy monkey. I will not elaborate. Mom and I thought it was hilarious! My dad's face says it all.
 For lunch they had this beautiful circular restaurant right in the center of the zoo with great food. The ceiling and walls were adorned with frescoes.  Why don't they make zoo restaurants in the states this awesome!

On day two, we visited the Schoenbrunn Palace, an imperial 1,444 room Rococo summer residence. Most people go on a tour of the actual palace. However, with kids, and having done so many palace tours over the years, we all decided to just stick with the Children's Museum at the palace. In the first part of the museum, you get to dress up in imperial clothing. Too fun! Wish I was being serious in this picture like the rest of the crew. After we ate goulash at a nice cafe in the palace. We were unfortunately too full to try their famous apple strudel.

 It is hard to tell in this picture, but that is a huge perfume bottle of Shalimar. My mom loves it and has been wearing it since I was little. I'd steal her shirts for bedtime just to sniff them when I was little.
 Cutest bakery ever! Pink storefront with the most delicious looking doughnuts and cakes ever. We let Cooper pick one out and it was divine.
My sleeping beauty. She napped on me in the ergo carrier daily as we trotted along the city streets all toasty warm in her snow suit.
Here are my boys hanging out at the Apartment Concerto.  The apartment was perfect. Three bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and they even downloaded tons of English movies for visitors which came in handy when we came home exhausted from touring each day. Located above a famous bakery right in the middle of downtown (in the pedestrian shopping area).

One late afternoon we took Cooper to ice skate at this huge ice skating rink right outside the City Hall. Cooper fell asleep within 10 minutes of our walk and when we woke him 40 minutes later, he was too tired and cold to give it a try. Might not have been the best place to learn how to skate though. It was packed and getting crazier by the minute with classical and jazz music playing at first then changing to hip hop a little while later.

Fun trip indeed, and only a 5 hour drive!