June 20, 2013

How to have a perfect Saturday

First, head out climbing (insert favorite activity here) with friends and family outside on a sunshiny warm day and wear yourselves out completely. Play in the dirt with your kids, throw rocks at trees, catch a zillion bugs, make a few weedy flower bouquets, eat PB&honey sandwiches on a blanket and walk barefoot through the woods.

After, head to your favorite resturant for al fresco dining. Order food to cook on your own hot rock, if available. The kids will love it. Watch your four year old pretend to fish in their fish pond while your little one toddles around the patio as you wait for the food to come.

Then, to really make the day, on your way back home, play your favorite happy songs really loud with the windows rolled down, and belt out the tunes while throwing in some fancy dance moves. This is essential.

Finally, once home, take a nice long bubble bath with your favorite beverage and read a favorite kids book together cuddled up in bed. Perfection.

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